Monday, October 2, 2017

October 2, 2017

Attention all Sophomores!!! Today is the last day to order a class shirt. Please come to room 205 at lunch to purchase them.

Attention all Juniors!!! Today is the last day to order a class shirt. Please come to room 205 at lunch to purchase them.

Need help in Math? Come to room 901 Tuesday and Thursday from 2:25-3:25

Call all former Cheerleaders to Cheer 1st Quarter at homecoming! If you have any questions stop by and see Ms. Middleton in 421

Are you interested in traveling abroad? Are you adventurous? Do you love to meet new people and explore new places? Do you love to learn about other cultures and try new foods? lf so, come with us to Panama, Nicaragua, and Costa Rica this summer! Our first parent meeting will be held on October 5th at 5:30 in Mrs. Holbrook's room 403. It is going to be a fabulous trip and one you will be sure to remember for the rest of your life! Hope to see you there.

Attention all seniors interested in USC. We will be having an admissions rep at our site, Wednesday, October 4 at 1:00pm in the Media Center. If you are interested in attending the presentation you must pick up a pass from the counseling office, get it approved by your sixth period teacher and turn back in the counseling office no later than Tuesday, October 3.