Thursday, February 7, 2019

February 7, 2019

If you're looking for adventure in a tropical paradise, come to Central America with us. There is still time to sign up. Come and see Sra. Holbrook in rm 403. Would be a great way to end your senior year!!!

Effective Feb 7-April 8th Mr. Devore will be teaching Integrated Math in Room 802.   You will be working on Kahn Academy.  If you  need to recover a Math course and improve your grade point average, please sign up with your counselor as soon as possible.  Please note that attendance  is Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday and it is extremely important.  You cannot miss no more than 2 times.
Dr. Mora

All CSF forms and $5 are due in room 801 at lunch. Collection days are Thurs, Monday, and Tuesday

Attention seniors interested in attending Miramar, City, or Mesa Community College next year! Starting on Wednesday, February 13th and for the following three Wednesdays, Miramar College will be conducting mandatory workshops in the media center to create your schedule and prepare you for next year. This is a fantastic opportunity that puts you ahead of all incoming first year students next year!! If you are interested you need to sign up with Mr. Stewart in the counseling office this week!!  

Please check your attendance on power school WEEKLY.  It is VERY IMPORTANT to catch any discrepancies quickly. Changes will NOT be made after 5 days. 
Ms. Westwood in Attendance 

Attention Seniors! If you need help with financial aid applications, CalSOAP will be hosting a workshop Tuesday, February 12th in the Media Center from 7:30-2:30. This will be a great opportunity to start or finish your application and get your financial aid related questions answered.
Please request permission from your teacher to miss class before attending the workshop. See the CalSOAP office for a list of what you need to bring.
Sidney Yerger