Thursday, September 12, 2019

September 12, 2019

Reminder,  If you need a bus pass please see Miss Georgina in the office during Lunch Only.  
Miss Palacio

Attention all conquistadors... Are you looking to get your "grub on"? Skip the lunch lines and come on to the student store. You can purchase some snacks, ice cream and drinks. Student also has PE clothes and other spirit gear. Also don't forget we have Pizza on Tuesdays and Fridays for $2.50. So please stop by and check it out... We are open everyday at lunch.
Wendy Fransk

It is CSF time! If you have a 3.5 GPA from LAST SEMESTER and would like to join CSF, come to room 801 during lunch all week to pick up paperwork. This club participation looks good on applications and resumes, you are recognized for senior awards night, and are able to apply for scholarships. Collection dates will be Sept 16-20th in room 801. The fee is $5 to join per semester. Have questions? Come see Mrs. Spears in room 801 or speak with Philip Vo.
Mrs. Spears

Attention all 9th grade girls! Are you looking for a safe space to be yourself without judgement? Join Just Breathe, a girls group just for you. We will use creative activities and sharing to create a supportive community. Groups start Thursday, September 19th from 2:30-3:30 pm. Please visit Serra Real Connections, room 230 or Mrs. Skinner to get your permission slip. Space is limited!
Shannon Stracener

Are you interested in designing robots, programming, metal fabrication, website design, graphic design, marketing or having lots of fun? If so, come join the robotics team here at Serra High; The Devil Duckies! We are always looking for new members to fulfill many different roles on the team. If you are interested or would like more information, please come to room 700 and see Mr.Medina. The first team meeting for new members will be this Thursday, Sept.12th from 2:30-3:15 in room 700. Please stop by and see what robotics has to offer!
Jonathan Medina