Tuesday, October 1, 2019

October 1, 2019

Attention Juniors and Seniors:

The Hispanic College Faire will be Wednesday, December 4th from 8:30- 11:48.  Permission slips are available in the counseling office.  Please have your Period 2-5 sign or initial Teacher Excuse from class and have your parents sign.  There will be over 50 college representatives.  First come first served.
Dr. Mora

On Monday, October 7th during lunch in the Alumni Room, The Freedoms Foundation of Valley Forge will be presenting about their Spirit of America Program. This program is a 4 day residential program for high school students interested in cultivating a better understanding of the rights and responsibilities of citizenship through thought provoking, and engaging activities. If you are interested please see Mr. Stewart in the counseling office.
Nick Stewart

Are you interested in Polynesian culture or dance? Come join Serra High School's Tahitian Dance Club. No dance experience is needed. Everyone is welcome, so bring your friends. Meetings being Wednesday, October 2nd after school in room 413.
Linda Nelson

Do you enjoy helping others? Would you like to volunteer? The Red Cross Club at Serra is calling former members and seeking new members. Informational meeting this Thursday during lunch in room 412. See you on Thursday.
Mr. Thomas

Come and travel with us to Europe the summer of 2021! If you missed the meeting Monday night for the trip to Spain, France, Italy, and Switzerland, but would still like to get some information, come by room 403 during lunch and see Sra. Holbrook. Remember... anyone can go, even if you have already graduated. It is going to be an incredible adventure!
Sally Holbrook

This is a reminder that dance practice for the pep rally is this Wednesday during lunch. Be sure to be there if you signed up!
Maya Castorena