Friday, October 4, 2019

October 4, 2019

Come and travel with us to Europe the summer of 2021! If you missed the meeting Monday night for the trip to Spain, France, Italy, and Switzerland, but would still like to get some information, come by room 403 during lunch and see Sra. Holbrook. Remember... anyone can go, even if you have already graduated. It is going to be an incredible adventure!
Sally Holbrook

On Monday, October 7th during lunch in the Alumni Room, The Freedoms Foundation of Valley Forge will be presenting about their Spirit of America Program. This program is a 4 day residential program for high school students interested in cultivating a better understanding of the rights and responsibilities of citizenship through thought provoking, and engaging activities. If you are interested please see Mr. Stewart in the counseling office.
Nick Stewart

The University of California Irvine will be here on Monday during lunch in the Media Center to meet with prospective students. If you are interested in learning more about UCI you should attend!
Nick Stewart 

If you missed picture day and need your student ID or need a replacement come to the finance office, reminder replacement ID's are $5.00.  
Miss Pilar

Students please encourage your parents to subscribe to the counseling website and check out all the important events happening during the month of October. We will have parent nights and several informational nights on College and Financial Aid during this month.
Margarita Perez-Ibarra